- muzzle tampion
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English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
tampion — (n.) early 15c., plug, bung, from M.Fr. tampon, nasalized variant of O.Fr. tapon piece of cloth to stop a hole (late 14c.), a suffixed form of Frankish *tappo stopper, plug, related to O.H.G. zapfo and O.E. tæppa stopper (see TAP (Cf. tap) (2)).… … Etymology dictionary
tampion — [tam′pē ən] n. [Fr tampon, nasalized form of tapon < Frank * tappo, akin to TAP2] a plug or stopper put in the muzzle of a gun not in use … English World dictionary
Tampion — A tampion is wooden plug, or a metal, canvas, rubber or plastic cover, for the muzzle of a gun. They can be found on both land based artillery and naval guns. However, the naval tampions have developed into works of art.Although the cannons of… … Wikipedia
tampion — also tompion noun Etymology: obsolete tampion, tampin plug more at tamp Date: circa 1625 a wooden plug or a metal or canvas cover for the muzzle of a gun … New Collegiate Dictionary
tampion — /tam pee euhn/, n. a plug or stopper placed in the muzzle of a piece of ordnance when not in use, to keep out dampness and dust. Also, tompion. [1425 75; late ME tampyon, var. of tampon < MF, nasalized var. of OF tapon, deriv. of tape plug < Gmc … Universalium
tampion — noun a) A wooden plug, or a metal or canvas cover for the muzzle of a gun, a cannon or other piece of ordnance when not in use; a stopper; a bung. b) A plug for the upper end of an organ pipe … Wiktionary
tampion — [ tampɪən] (also tompion) noun 1》 a wooden stopper for the muzzle of a gun. 2》 a plug for the top of an organ pipe. Origin ME: from Fr. tampon tampon … English new terms dictionary
tampion — tam•pi•on [[t]ˈtæm pi ən[/t]] n. mil a plug placed in the muzzle of a piece of ordnance to keep it free of moisture and dirt when not in use • Etymology: 1615–25; earlier, any type of plug or bung; late ME, var. of tampon < MF, alter. of OF… … From formal English to slang
tampion — /ˈtæmpiən/ (say tampeeuhn) noun a wooden plug or stopper placed in the muzzle of a piece of ordnance when not in use, to keep out dampness and dust. Also, tompion. {French tampon, variant of tapon, from tape plug} …
tampion — n. (also tompion) 1 a wooden stopper for the muzzle of a gun. 2 a plug e.g. for the top of an organ pipe. Etymology: ME f. F tampon, nasalized var. of tapon, rel. to TAP(1) … Useful english dictionary
gun — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. firearm (see arms). II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A cannon] Syn. piece, orDNAnce, heavy orDNAnce, rifle. Types of large guns include: long gun, siege gun, howitzer, mortar, antitank gun, culverin, field… … English dictionary for students